Term's Of Service
Effective: October 16th, 2023.
Last Updated: April 24th, 2024.
Welcome to BrickVerse, Our ultimate goal is to build a platform where users are safe, have fun, and can connect with their friends from around the world. In order to ensure that our goal is met, we have outlined and set out these terms of service (or "Terms"). We want to make sure you understand that this is a legally binding agreement between you, a user, and BrickVerse.gg. ("Company", "we", "us", "our", "BrickVerse", or "BrickVerse.gg").
It is the responsibility of you, or your parent/guardian to read the Terms of Service before proceeding to use the BrickVerse platform. If you for any reason disagree with the terms, policies, guidelines, etc you are prohibited from usage of the platform.
Usage of the site, engine, and our services is a PRIVILEGE, not a RIGHT, BrickVerse.gg is not legally required/compelled to provide you service/access to the platform. BrickVerse.gg works closely with law enforcement entities to provide a safe and secure platform.
Your agreement to the Terms of Services and rules bound in addition
The following document is an agreement between you, the other users of this platform and BrickVerse.
All users of the site, including but not limited to the employees must agree and follow the Terms of Services while using the BrickVerse platform. In addition to the Terms of Services, you will also agree to additional terms outlined by the administration team of BrickVerse on other sections of the platform that bind to the Terms of Services.
If you do not agree to the Terms of Service, then you are prohibited to not use our platform in any shape or form until acceptance of our Term's Of Service.
By accepting the Terms Of Service you agree to the Privacy Policy, Purchase Agreement, Refund Policy, Virtual Currency Policy, BrickVerse.gg Account and Billing Information Disclosure Policy, Digital Services Act - Information on Average Monthly Active Recipients in the European Union, Inactive account deletion policy, and other policy's & amendments created by BrickVerse.gg.
When BrickVerse releases amendments to Term's Of Service, Privacy Policy, new policy creation, etc. it's your duty to review these changes. If you disagree with new agreements you are to immediately cease usage of BrickVerse. We typically will put out a notice of the new changes, by E-mail, site banner, site and/or device notification, phone texts, etc.
Use of this platform signifies your acceptance of our terms of use as well as our privacy policy. All icons, logos, characters, items, or other assets are subject to copyright except where stated by our terms of use. Refusal, rejection, disapproval, or violation of our terms of use and/or privacy policy may result in termination or suspension of your account, and all relevant services or subscriptions. We reserve the right, whereas stated by our terms of use, to terminate, or where appropriate, withdraw access to your account for either a temporary or permanent duration.
In the BrickVerse.gg community, we aim to foster a space where individuals can connect with optimism and civility, regardless of their background, beliefs, or identity. Our commitment to this vision means that certain behaviors and content are strictly prohibited to ensure that everyone feels comfortable and respected. Here are the guidelines for conduct and content within our community:
Sharing Personal Information
In order to safeguard privacy and security, users must refrain from sharing their own personal information or soliciting personal information and unique identifiers from others on BrickVerse. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:
Email addresses
Passwords or access tokens
Home addresses or physical locations
Financial information, including credit card and bank account details
Medical information
Telephone numbers
Internet Identifiers such as usernames and handles not linked to BrickVerse
Unique Identifiers such as social security numbers
Images of themselves or other non-public figures
Real names, except as permitted in display names for eligible users
Any personally identifiable information relating to minors, including unauthorized images, voice recordings, and video recordings.
Misusing BrickVerse Systems
BrickVerse upholds various systems to ensure the safety and security of our users. We strictly prohibit any attempts to circumvent these systems, gain unauthorized access to BrickVerse or others' BrickVerse accounts or information, or otherwise violate our platform's security requirements. These violations include:
Evading Safety and Security Systems
Trying to bypass our safety systems to get prohibited content through, including concealing elements of assets that violate our rules.
Creating or using an account to evade enforcement actions taken against another account.
Utilizing VPNs to obscure your location in order to gain unauthorized access to BrickVerse, including specific features or accounts.
Offering access to your BrickVerse account or soliciting access to someone else's BrickVerse account with the intention of evading enforcement actions or safety systems.
Neglecting to use the required PolicyService APIs in your experience.
Disruptive Content and Behavior
Employing bots that are programmed to execute disruptive tasks.
Uploading content that contains obfuscated code or hidden scripts designed to mislead end users or create disruptive experiences for them.
Injecting background noise into underlying audio, making the intended audio unintelligible.
Injecting excessive loudness, screaming, or harsh noises that disrupt others' experiences, whether in uploaded audio or through chat with voice.
Falsely reporting other users or experiences or encouraging others to do so.
Invading or flooding experiences or groups with the intent to disrupt the experience or damage its reputation.
Child Safety and Well-being
At BrickVerse, we have a zero-tolerance policy for any actions that endanger minors. This includes but is not limited to:
Engaging in predatory behavior, such as attempting to befriend a minor with the intention of manipulating or exploiting them (commonly known as grooming).
Sexualizing minors in any form.
Initiating sexual conversations with or soliciting sexual material from minors.
Sharing, requesting, or discussing child sexual exploitation material.
LGBTQ/Hangout Experiences/Groups are strictly prohibited. You do not need to express your sexuality on a platform with minors, we see this as grooming. BrickVerse.gg does not have issues with users sexuality, however this is not the right place to express it.
Assets and accounts pertaining to the "Furry Fandom".
Terrorism and Violent Extremism
We unequivocally disallow any content or behavior that incites, condones, supports, glorifies, or promotes terrorism, extremism, or individuals/organizations associated with these ideologies. This includes but is not limited to:
Depictions of or support for terrorist or extremist attacks.
Depictions of or support for leaders or representatives of terrorist or extremist organizations.
Sharing slogans, images, flags, manifestos, or icons associated with terrorist or extremist organizations.
Referencing the ideologies, messages, or strategies of terrorist and extremist organizations.
Expressing support, condoning, or glorifying terrorist extremist ideologies or actions.
Recruiting members for a terrorist or extremist organization or encouraging others to leave BrickVerse.gg to seek such information.
Fundraising for terrorist or extremist organizations, individuals, or supporting groups.
Expressing support, condoning, or glorifying mass shootings and other acts of domestic terrorism or violent extremism.
Threats, Bullying, and Harassment
We do not tolerate any form of threats, bullying, harassment, or intimidation, whether in real life or online. This includes:
Threatening physical or sexual assault or violence.
Threatening real-life harm to someone.
Revealing or threatening to reveal personal information about others.
Threatening to take over another user's BrickVerse.gg account or filing false abuse reports against them.
Singling out a user or group for ridicule or abuse, whether publicly or privately.
Sexual harassment.
Impersonating individuals, groups, or entities in ways that could harm their reputation or incite harm to them, either online or in real life.
Suicide, Self-Injury, and Harmful Behavior
We are deeply committed to our users' well-being and may communicate with authorities in the case of credible threats of self-harm. Consequently, we prohibit content or behavior that depicts, glorifies, or encourages suicide, self-injury, or activities that pose an extreme risk of physical harm, including:
Describing methods for suicide or self-harm.
Content that glorifies, supports, or depicts instances or methods of suicide or self-harm.
Dangerous physical challenges or stunts in the real world.
If you or someone you know is struggling with thoughts of suicide or self-harm, help is available. Reach out to a suicide prevention hotline or seek global resources to find support.
Discrimination, Slurs, and Hate Speech
BrickVerse welcomes and respects users of all backgrounds and identities. We strictly prohibit content or behavior that supports, glorifies, or promotes hate groups, their ideologies, or actions. Discrimination or hatred against individuals or groups based on the following factors is not allowed:
Race, perceived race, or ethnicity
National origin
Sexual orientation
Gender, gender identity, or gender expression
Religion or religious affiliation or beliefs
Disability status, including diseases, bodily conditions, disfigurement, mobility issues, and mental impairment
Physical or mental disability status
Veteran status
Familial status
Harmful Off-Platform Behavior
We emphasize treating all individuals with respect, both within and outside of BrickVerse.gg. We may take action against users who, among other things:
Are associated with organized crime, terrorist or extremist organizations, or hate groups.
Harass, bully, discriminate against, or harm others outside of our platform.
Share others' personal information off-platform, including making false reports to authorities.
Have been convicted of certain egregious crimes, engage in certain illegal activities, or encourage others to do so.
Civility is the cornerstone of the BrickVerse.gg community. To uphold our civil environment, certain types of content are prohibited to ensure a respectful atmosphere. These guidelines include:
Real-World Sensitive Events: BrickVerse.gg prohibits content that replicates specific real-world sensitive events, ridicules victims, glorifies or supports perpetrators or their outcomes, or exploits these events for commercial purposes. This encompasses content relating to:
Mass acts of violence against people or property
Specific real-world natural disasters
Human and civil rights violations
Violent Content and Gore: While some experiences on BrickVerse.gg may include elements of weaponry and violence, we do not allow content that contains extreme violence or depicts severe physical or psychological abuse. This includes:
Animal abuse and torture
Realistic or real-world depictions of extreme gore, extreme graphic violence.
Romantic and Sexual Content: BrickVerse.gg provides a safe space for meeting online friends, chatting, and collaborating on creative projects. However, we prohibit content that depicts sexual activity or seeks real-world romantic relationships, including:
Romantic or flirtatious interactions between users in a romantic context
Pursuing or soliciting romantic relationships online
Engaging in unwanted flirtatious behavior
Engaging in sexually explicit conversations or soliciting sexual material from other members
Content that portrays, strongly suggests, or explicitly describes sexual acts
Nudity and sexually suggestive avatar bodies and clothing items For guidance on creating Avatar Bodies that comply with these policies, including the use of modesty layers, please consult our guidelines.
Illegal and Regulated Goods and Activities: Users are not allowed to discuss or participate in illegal activities or encourage others to do so on BrickVerse.gg. Additionally, the discussion, depiction, or promotion of certain illegal and regulated goods or activities is prohibited. This includes:
Controlled substances such as pharmaceutical and recreational drugs, alcohol, tobacco, vaping, and their related paraphernalia
Dietary supplements and enhancers like weight loss pills and steroids
Depictions of intoxicated behavior associated with alcohol or drug consumption
Promoting illegal and regulated substances
Instructions or schematics for bomb/explosive and weapon-making in the real world
Realistic modern firearms outside of in-experience items
On-platform contests offering Cubes or other valuable prizes
Sweepstakes-style games Subject to local law or regulation, gambling portrayal is allowed within experiences. However, no real money, Cubes, or valuable in-experience items may be exchanged in connection with gambling activities. Fair odds must be disclosed to users before playing.
Profanity: In order to maintain a safe and civil environment, swearing in any language, whether in text, images, or uploaded audio, is not allowed on BrickVerse.gg. This includes:
Using misspellings, special characters, or other methods to evade profanity detection
Quoting or using audio with profane lyrics
Political Content: While we encourage friendly debate on matters important to BrickVerse.gg members, we prohibit the discussion or depiction of certain political content to ensure a respectful environment. This includes:
Current candidates running for public office, along with their slogans, campaign material, rallies, or events
Political parties and official party-affiliated organizations
Specific races for elected office
Current real-world elected officials
Former officials in their official capacity
Individuals who have previously run for political office as candidates
Desecration of political entity symbols, including flag burning
Inflammatory content related to real-world border, territorial, or jurisdictional relationships
Cheating and Scams: At BrickVerse.gg, we maintain strict regulations to prevent users from engaging in deceptive practices or cheating methods on our platform. This includes:
Employing exploits to gain an unfair advantage anywhere within the platform.
Sharing exploits with others or encouraging them to cheat.
Selling items with descriptions that are misleading or inaccurate.
Falsely representing your real or virtual identity in an attempt to deceive others.
Unauthorized attempts to access another user's account.
Sharing deceptive links aimed at obtaining unauthorized access to others' accounts or information, whether on BrickVerse.gg or elsewhere (commonly referred to as phishing).
Spam: BrickVerse.gg prohibits any activities that disrupt or mislead others on the platform, including:
The use of deceptive, sensational, or otherwise misleading content or metadata to artificially boost discoverability or engagement.
Sending repetitive messages to other users or making repetitive uploads to BrickVerse.gg systems.
Creating experiences with the sole purpose of redirecting users off the BrickVerse.gg platform.
User Advertising
Independent Advertisement Publishing
In lieu of using BrickVerse Immersive Ads, developers have the option to independently publish advertising content within their experiences. In such cases, the developer is responsible for directly uploading and controlling the delivery of the advertising content. It is vital to adhere to the following rules, in addition to all BrickVerse regulations, including the Terms of Use, Advertising Standards, and other Community Standards, as well as applicable laws and regulations. Failure to comply may result in action taken by us, such as content removal, experience suspension, or account suspension.
Developers must maintain complete control over independent advertisement publishing. Experiences displaying independent ads must not make programmatic calls to third-party advertising services.
Developers are prohibited from sharing personally identifiable user engagement information with advertisers and must comply with the Creator Analytics Terms of Use and BrickVerse Terms of Use in their handling of all user information.
Developers must refrain from displaying advertising content to users under the age of 13. To accomplish this, developers should utilize BrickVerse tools, such as the AreAdsAllowed boolean in the PolicyService API, to replace, hide, or block access to advertising content for users not allowed to view ads.
Note: Applying a 13+ Experience Guideline does not hide ad content from users under the age of 13. All ad content must be hidden using the PolicyService API.
Developers must clearly and prominently disclose to users when content is an advertisement, using straightforward and understandable language. A reference to the advertiser's name alone is insufficient. Acceptable disclosure language includes terms like "ad," "paid," or "sponsored." This disclosure should be placed in or near the advertising content, ensuring it's noticeable and comprehensible to users.
Developers are not allowed to mislead users into thinking that they are engaging with BrickVerse served Ads.
Developers should not reuse or repurpose BrickVerse Immersive Ad content.
Advertisements should not falsely represent the content being advertised to encourage user engagement (e.g., offering free Cubes).
For more detailed information on how to independently advertise, please consult our Creator guidance.
Prohibited Advertising Practices and Content
All advertisements on BrickVerse must adhere to BrickVerse's Advertising Standards. Creator guidance for complying with these standards can be found here.
BrickVerse Economy
BrickVerse maintains the Cube system for everyone’s benefit and enjoyment. To keep it fair for everyone, some activity in the BrickVerse Economy is prohibited, including:
Using third-party services to buy, sell, trade, or give away Cubes (including BrickVerse gift cards).
Engaging in off-platform, secondary market transactions for account access or virtual content from experiences or Marketplace (unless done by account holders as part of a verifiable agreement).
Using the group payout system in a fraudulent or misleading manner, including offering payment in Cubes for modeling assets, joining groups, referring members, or role-playing in experiences.
Promotional Offers
Developers are permitted to use off-platform services or products to sell on-platform items (including exclusive features or in-experience enhancements) for money, directly or bundled.
Cubes are not permitted on off-platform services/products.
Soliciting Donations: Our community is not allowed to solicit donations for charitable causes on BrickVerse, including:
In-experience prompts for users to donate Cubes toward crowdfunding campaigns.
Claiming that a transaction is associated with a fundraiser.
Stating that a portion of sales proceeds will be directed toward a cause.
Developers are permitted to implement in-experience Cubes transactions to allow users to express appreciation for the experience or generously reward a creator (e.g., a "tip jar" feature), provided it's clear that users receive nothing in return for their payment.
Paid Random Items: Paid random item generators include those purchased with Cubes directly or via in-experience currencies acquired with Cubes.
Users are not permitted to trade or sell the resulting assets from paid random item generators for Cubes, real currency, or any other valuable item on BrickVerse.
Creators must utilize the relevant PolicyService API to ensure paid random items are only accessible by eligible users.
The odds of receiving each possible resulting item must be accurately disclosed to the eligible user before the moment of purchase.
SMS Communication
BrickVerse's Link Phone feature is designed to facilitate communication among users within our virtual environment. It allows for text messaging/notifications, fostering connections and interactions. Users should be aware that while using this feature, any text messages sent through the Link Phone may be subject to standard text messaging fees, depending on their mobile service provider's terms and conditions. BrickVerse cannot be held responsible for any costs or fees related to text messaging, data usage, or any other charges incurred by users when utilizing the Link Phone feature.
By using the Link Phone feature, users agree to release BrickVerse from any liability associated with phone text fees or any other financial obligations arising from its usage.
Usage of Link Phone may incur charges requiring a Membership Plan. Monthly with your BrickVerse Membership plan you will be given a set limit of text messages. If you exceed that limit for the month, messages will no longer be sent till your plan is renewed again for the next month. You won't be charged anything, its included with membership pricing by default. We will let you know when this rolls out.
Your account and account security
There are a couple of rules you must agree with when an account is created and used. Those rules will be defined in this section.
You are the sole authorizer upon creation of an account on the BrickVerse platform. You are responsible for the confidentiality of your account's password, Authorization Cookies, Authorization Keys, and are responsible for all actions you perform on the BrickVerse platform.
The BrickVerse administration team will support when you lose your account for any reason when not otherwise possible, however, we can only help you succeed when we can prove that the lost and/or stolen account belongs to you.
For this reason, we ask you to use a legitimate e-mail address so we can verify that you own your account.
It is strictly prohibited to share, sell, give away or lend your account to and with anyone except for your parent(s) and/or guardian(s).
If you notice any unauthorized usage of your account(s), we ask you that you sign out all sessions from your account and change your password immediately. Also, you may also choose to contact us through the support desk at help.brickverse.co.
Code of Conduct
Users of our platform must acknowledge that all content posted by them falls entirely under their responsibility.
To maintain a clean community, we ask you to abide by the following rules. Your account will be suspended on the violation of those rules and membership on BrickVerse will be prohibited for the duration of the placed suspension by the BrickVerse administration.
By using our platform, you agree to not use our platform to perform any of the following actions:
Insult, harass, stalk, defame or publish private/personal information of another person regardless of their position.
Attempt to circumvent any protection in place to prevent profanity.
Impersonate other members, staff members, legal agents or other types of people and entities that are not you or you do not represent.
Upload copyrighted content that you do not have legal authorization to use. This includes, but is not limited to images. When you believe your copyright has been infringed by any user, please refer to our DMCA submission page.
Send invalid requests, spam or otherwise disrupt the BrickVerse service. When you believe to have found a vulnerability or a bug, please contact us at bounty@rampage.place.
Spam forum posts, forum replies, chat messages or wall posts on any section of the platform.
Search for a date on the BrickVerse platform. BrickVerse is not a dating platform.
Transmit sexually content, including suggestive content of any kind (images, text, ASCII art, etc.).
Giving out or transmitting personal information of any kind, including email, full name, password, home or other address, telephone number, social security, passport or national identity number, real life, personal, or family photos (these are not permitted for upload) and other personally identifiable information.
Harassment and Cyberbullying will NOT be tolerated on BrickVerse.
Discriminatory Speech or Actions are strictly not allowed on the platform, including based off, race or ethnic origin, national origin, religion or religious affiliation, disability or disease, gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation, age, or veteran status.
We will block inappropriate content including clothing with red arm bands, Nazi Swastikas, Confederate flags, and Ugandan Knuckles memes.
BrickVerse reserves the right to remove any content from our platform, including but not limited to your account for any reason at any time. In addition to that, we also reserve the right to preserve deleted content or information required for law enforcement or to otherwise comply with the Terms of Service. Code of Conduct is not the full rule book, please abide by the Community Guidelines for additional ruleset.
BrickVerse will fully cooperate with law enforcement regardless of warrant or not. RAMPAGE Interactive actively works with Law Enforcement, and will hand over all data upon legal request.
Brand and Asset Usage
Our games hold significant importance to both our team and our dedicated community of players. Many members of our community share a deep passion for utilizing our Brands and in-game elements to create fantastic experiences. Nevertheless, there are instances when individuals cross boundaries, leading to actions that mislead our community into believing that certain products or services are officially connected to, endorsed by, or produced by us. Such situations are far from ideal, particularly when users fall victim to intentional exploitation, purchasing goods under the false pretense that they are official. These incidents, in essence, compromise our ability to maintain the quality of products and services, thereby undermining the trust we've cultivated within our community.
We're committed to fostering creativity and innovation among our community by allowing you to work with the content we provide on our Site. To facilitate this, we have established a set of guidelines to clarify what constitutes fair and unfair use of our Name, Brand, and Assets. These guidelines serve the purpose of providing transparency, outlining actions that don't require prior approval from us, as well as actions that necessitate contacting us to ensure compliance.
These guidelines encompass the use of our Brand and Assets, specifically referring to:
Name: This pertains to the name of any game, its associated features, events, company identity, and any names closely resembling our games, features, events, or company identity.
Brand: This includes the brand name and related logo, as well as the distinctive characteristics of our game names and features.
Assets: Assets refer to the code, software, graphics, textures, images, models, sound, audio, or content originating from our games, as well as any videos or screenshots captured during gameplay.
It's crucial to understand that these guidelines are supplementary to, rather than replacements for, the remainder of our Terms. We kindly request that you refrain from engaging in the following activities without our explicit permission:
Commercial Use: Avoid engaging in any commercial activities related to our Names, Brands, or Assets.
Profit-Making: Do not seek to generate profits or income using our Names, Brands, or Assets, unless authorized by us.
Please take note that certain assets found on our Service may be subject to copyright protection by other individuals or entities, and their usage may be subject to distinct brand asset and usage guidelines. For specific attributions, refer to our Credits and Attributions page.
Service Suspension
As a user, you acknowledge and accept that we reserve the right to immediately suspend, terminate, discontinue, or restrict your access to any of our Services without prior written notice or consent. The grounds for such suspension, termination, discontinuation, or access limitation may include, but are not limited to:
Violation of our Terms, any other incorporated agreement, regulation, and/or guideline.
Compliance with requests from law enforcement or governmental agencies.
Alteration, discontinuation, or material modification to our Services or any of their components.
Unforeseen technical or security issues or challenges.
Involvement in fraudulent or unlawful activities.
Failure to make payments for any associated fees linked to your account Services.
Additionally, you hereby agree that all terminations, suspensions, discontinuations, or access limitations for any of the aforementioned reasons will be at our sole discretion. We shall not be held liable to you or any third party regarding the termination of your account or access to any of our Services. Account termination may encompass any or all of the following actions:
Revocation of access to all or part of the Services provided on our Site.
Deletion of your password and any associated information, files, or content linked to your account.
Prohibition of any future use of all or part of our Services.
For residents of the European Union, it's important to note that you have the right to request the removal of your personally identifiable information from our systems at any time and for any reason. We will take appropriate steps to attempt to erase all personally identifiable information from our systems, except for information intentionally posted to circumvent our filtration systems. Information related to billing or payments from transactions on our Site will not be deleted, as processing this data is within our legitimate interest (GDPR Article 6, Section 1, Literary f). This is necessary to resolve billing disputes or inquiries that may arise from certain purchases.
Payments, Virtual Currency, Billing and Refunds
On our platform, we offer a range of subscription services, virtual currency packages, and various other merchandise or services available for purchase. These items are collectively referred to as "Payable Services." It's important to note that when you make a payment for a Payable Service, you are making that payment directly to us. However, there are certain guidelines and restrictions in place when it comes to making purchases on our Service:
Unauthorized Payment Methods: You are strictly prohibited from using a payment method without the explicit permission of the authorized user. Under no circumstances should you use a payment method without proper authorization.
Unauthorized Account Access: Similarly, you must refrain from accessing another user's Account with the intention of making payments for a Payable Service. Unauthorized access to another user's Account for such purposes is strictly prohibited.
Accounts associated with unauthorized purchases will face termination and will lose access to the Service. Furthermore, we retain the right to permanently restrict access to the Service for individuals engaged in or conducting fraudulent purchases. By making a payment on the Service, you affirm that you are the authorized user of the payment method and that you possess the necessary funds to complete the purchase. Your agreement to this payment acknowledges your commitment to these conditions.
Pricing and Payments
Our Site displays the current prices and accepted payment methods, but it's important to note that these details may undergo occasional changes at our discretion. We retain the right to refuse any form of payment and may choose to refund the payment to you without finalizing a transaction, particularly in cases where the item was inaccurately posted or priced due to an error. When making payments, you are required to use the currency specified on our Site, which is U.S. dollars. However, if necessary, your credit card company can facilitate the currency exchange process. Furthermore, your credit card company may conduct verification checks to ensure the authenticity of the purchase, thus enhancing security and protecting your interests as the rightful account holder.
Virtual Currency
We offer a singular form of virtual currency within our Service. It's important to understand that, in accordance with applicable laws, this virtual currency holds an exchangeable value with real-world monetary value. This virtual currency, known as "Cubes," can be obtained through various means, including but not limited to:
(i) direct purchase of Cubes from our platform;
(ii) acquiring them through a membership subscription that grants a monthly allowance;
(iii) participating in promotions, giveaways, or contests hosted on the Service;
(iv) engaging in transactions, such as selling items or content to other users who possess Cubes; or (v) other methods as specified by us.
Cubes are exclusively intended for use within our online Services. It is strictly forbidden, for any reason, to engage in activities such as selling, trading, distributing, lending, exchanging, or conducting transactions involving Cubes outside the boundaries and features of our Service. We neither support nor condone any transactions involving Cubes outside of our Service, and any accounts associated with such activities will face termination. It's important to note that no refunds will be issued for Cubes involved in transactions of this nature.
You should be aware that we retain the right to determine the value of Cubes at any time, including potential changes to their supply. Additionally, we may take actions that can influence the perceived value or devalue Cubes as we see fit. At our discretion, we reserve the right to revoke your ability to use Cubes or access features associated with them. This may include the ability to purchase items, trade items, or initiate transactions involving your Cubes.
In summary, our management of Cubes is subject to our sole discretion, and your use of this virtual currency and its associated features is governed by these terms and conditions. We urge users to adhere to the designated boundaries for Cubes use within our Service to ensure a fair and secure environment for all.
Account Usage and Asset Transactions
a. All BrickVerse accounts, features, and assets are designated for use exclusively on our website. Users are strictly prohibited from selling assets obtained from our website for real-life currency outside of the provided features. Any transactions conducted outside of the features we provide will not be eligible for refunds.
b. Users are explicitly prohibited from using credit cards or other forms of payment without obtaining prior permission from the card or account holder.
Payment Policy
a. All payments made to BrickVerse are considered final, and refunds will only be granted at our sole and absolute discretion. If you believe an unauthorized payment has been made on your account to BrickVerse, you are required to promptly contact us.
b. Prior consent from the account holder is mandatory for the use of payment methods on brickverse.com. In the absence of such permission, BrickVerse reserves the right to terminate services or accounts associated with unauthorized purchases. Accounts linked with "chargebacks" (payments canceled or voided by banks or card authorizers) will be subject to immediate termination, with subsequent access to your account suspended. Refunds will not be issued for previously purchased memberships, assets, or services.
Claims and Timely Reporting
a. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, you hereby waive all claims against BrickVerse relating to payments unless you submit the claim to us within 45 days after the charge was initiated.
Refund Currency and Discretion
a. It is important to note that, at the sole discretion of BrickVerse any and all refunds will be issued in U.S. dollars.
Compliance and Enforcement
a. BrickVerse reserves the right to enforce and maintain the integrity of these terms and conditions, with violations potentially resulting in the termination of accounts or services. It is vital for users to comply with these guidelines to ensure a fair and secure environment for all participants on our platform.
Membership Subscription Renewal
When you purchase a membership subscription, please be aware that your subscription will not automatically renew unless you opt to renew it.
Refunds for Payable Services
We strive to ensure the satisfaction of our users and thus offer the option for refunds on specific purchases of our Payable Services. Without prejudice to any statutory rights you may have, we will issue refunds upon request for account membership subscriptions if the request is made within five-seven (5-7) days of the initial purchase, however their is a purchase legal clause:
Once a user submits an agreement to receive cubes as a result of a monetary purchase, a legal contract is entered into, wherein the user expressly agrees not to initiate chargebacks, legal actions, or any form of dispute for a refund. By digitally signing this agreement, the user voluntarily forfeits their right to pursue a jury trial or request a refund, thereby acknowledging the binding nature of this commitment and consenting to abide by the terms outlined therein. Refunds will not be provided in cases where such an agreement has been entered into, as the user's compliance with the agreed terms is considered legally binding.
The inclusion of this clause is necessitated by the fact that monetary purchases for cubes hold a tangible value within the Developer Exchange, and once a user expends this currency, it becomes irreversible. Refunds will only be considered under the following circumstances: if the user has not utilized any of the purchased cubes, or if they possess a quantity of cubes that corresponds to the equivalent value of the monetary purchase. In cases where these conditions are not met, we are unable to provide refunds, as the financial transactions are integral to the in-game economy and cannot be readily undone.
Non-Refundable Payable Services and Additional Purchases
It's important to note that certain Payable Services or website purchases are non-refundable. According to applicable law, the following types of purchases will not be eligible for refunds:
Purchases involving Cubes.
Purchases of virtual items, games, or other user-generated content.
Requesting Refunds
To request a refund, navigate to your account settings page and access the "Billing" tab. Please be aware that players can only request refunds for memberships less than seven (7) days old. All refund requests are subject to review, and we reserve the right to refuse refunds to any user for any reason. If your refund request is approved, your automatically renewing subscription will be canceled. Refunds will be processed within seven (7) business days by our team.
Refund Types
Refunds will be issued in U.S. dollars, and, in most cases, will be processed back to the original payment method. However, in some circumstances, refunds cannot be returned to the original payment method. In such cases, your account will be credited with the dollar amount of the purchase, which can then be used to purchase additional Payable Services on our Site. Please note that account credit cannot be converted into cash and can only be used on our Site. If a refund is issued as account credit, it will be available immediately upon approval. However, if the refund is processed back to the original payment method, it may take some time. Credit card refunds, for instance, may take five (5) to ten (10) business days to reflect on your card. If you haven't received your refund after ten (10) days, please contact us.
Refund Abuse
While we do allow users to request refunds to maintain a positive relationship, we must emphasize that abusing the refund system is not acceptable. If it appears that you are consistently exploiting the refund process, we reserve the right to cease offering refunds to you altogether. For instance, purchasing packages with the intent of requesting immediate refunds is considered an abuse of the refund process.
Refund Exceptions
There are specific purchases that are ineligible for refunds, and these include:
Accounts terminated for violations of our Terms or additional policies. Purchases for accounts that have been terminated due to violations of our Site policies, such as our terms of service, will not be eligible for refund requests. However, we may consider transferring the remaining membership subscription to a new account upon request (see "Membership Transfers" below).
Purchases made on content that is removed from our Site. No refunds, credits, or compensation will be provided for funds spent on assets, images, clothing, games, or other content on our Service that has been removed due to violations of our Terms or for any other reason. We are not responsible for refunding losses incurred from the removal of such content.
Intellectual Property
1.1 BrickEngine: BrickEngine, also known as "Brick Engine," "BrickVerse Studio," "BrickVerse Client," "BrickClient," and "Studio", is the proprietary software owned and/or controlled by BrickVerse. All rights to Studio and its elements are exclusively held by BrickVerse. Subject to compliance with Creator Terms, BrickVerse grants Creators a non-exclusive, limited, revocable, non-sublicensable, and non-transferable Studio License. This license allows Creators to utilize Studio solely for the purpose of creating, developing, modifying, uploading, and publishing User-Generated Content (UGC) on the Services.
1.2 BrickVerse Templates: "Templates," provided by BrickVerse through Studio, serve as starting points for Creators to facilitate UGC creation. BrickVerse retains all rights to Templates and their elements, offering them to Creators under the Studio License. Using a Template does not confer any ownership rights to Creators.
1.3 Termination of License: BrickVerse reserves the right to terminate or modify the Studio License, Template License, Other BrickVerse Content License, and BrickVerse Trademark License at its discretion and without prior notice.
2. UGC Intellectual Property Ownership
Creators of UGC maintain complete legal rights and ownership over their creations. Creators grant BrickVerse a license to distribute UGC within the platform to provide its services. Creators are responsible for their UGC and warrant that:
(a) They are the creator and owner of, or possess the necessary rights and permissions to grant BrickVerse the specified rights and license.
(b) The use of their UGC will not infringe, violate, or misappropriate any third-party rights, nor slander, defame, libel, or invade the rights of privacy, publicity, or other property rights of any other person.
(c) It will not necessitate BrickVerse to obtain licenses, pay compensation, or provide attribution to any third parties, breach contracts with third parties, or cause BrickVerse to violate any laws or regulations.
(d) Creators will comply with all applicable laws, rules, regulations, and the BrickVerse Terms, including these Creator Terms, in their use of the services.
At BrickVerse, we actively encourage our users to participate in our platform's growth by providing valuable feedback and contributing their ideas. We believe in the power of community engagement, and we greatly value the insights and suggestions our users share with us.
When you choose to submit your ideas or otherwise contribute to the development of our platform, it is essential to recognize and agree to our policy, which states that your contribution will automatically become the sole property of BrickVerse.
This means that any ideas or feedback you share with us will be exclusively owned by us, granting us the rights to implement, modify, or use them as we see fit. In return, we do not undertake any obligation to compensate or provide reimbursement in any form or manner for the contributions you make.
This policy ensures that we can continue to innovate and enhance our platform while maintaining fairness and transparency in our user interactions.
Alternate Accounts
The use of alternate accounts by the same individual is strictly prohibited in our community. Unauthorized use of such accounts may result in the imposition of IP bans without prior permission from BrickVerse.
Our system is designed to automatically restrict accounts based on several factors, including the user's IP address, phone number, and email address. These measures are in place to ensure the integrity and security of our platform and to maintain a fair and transparent environment for all users.
Restrictions, Obligations, and Commerical Reuse
You are strictly prohibited from engaging in any of the following activities with respect to our Site, software, or Services, including but not limited to: hacking, decompiling, distributing, disassembling, publicly displaying or performing, modifying, reverse engineering, or altering them in any way, for any reason whatsoever. This prohibition extends to our code, content, and data hosted on our Service. In summary, it is imperative that you refrain from making any alterations or attempts to mimic our Site or brand. Our intention is to maintain the integrity of our official website and discourage any unofficial imitations or copies.
Furthermore, you also expressly agree not to replicate, duplicate, copy, trade, sell, resell, or exploit, for any commercial purposes, any aspect, usage of, or access to our site, Services, hardware, software, applications, or any supplementary resources that we provide to you.
Should you decide, for any reason, to breach the aforementioned Terms, you should be aware that such actions may result in prosecution, potential damages, and legal liability for infringing upon our intellectual property rights. To put it simply, we require all users to adhere to these rules and avoid making any unauthorized modifications or duplications.
By agreeing to these Terms, you commit to defend, indemnify, and absolve us, along with our subsidiaries, affiliates, and all our officers, agents, partners, and employees, from any and all losses, damages, liabilities, claims, or demands, including reasonable attorney's fees and expenses, initiated by third parties as a result of or in connection with the following circumstances:
(i) any contributions you make to our Services;
(ii) your utilization of our Site or Services;
(iii) any violation of these Terms;
(iv) a breach of the representations and warranties you have made within these Terms;
(v) your infringement upon the rights of a third party, including, but not limited to, intellectual property rights;
or (vi) any deliberate harmful actions directed at any other user on our Site with whom you engage. Nevertheless, we retain the prerogative, at your cost, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter for which you are obligated to indemnify us, and you concur to collaborate, at your own expense, with our defense against such claims. We will make reasonable efforts to inform you of any such claim, legal action, or proceeding that falls within the purview of this indemnification as soon as we become aware of it.
Governing Law and Disclaimers
We want to make it unequivocally clear that these Terms in no way impede or diminish the legal statutory rights that you are entitled to under the applicable laws that govern your use of our Site and any products or services you acquire through it. It is possible that certain rights are inherent and cannot be excluded. The content of these Terms will not, under any circumstances, undermine those legal rights, regardless of any provisions that may appear to contradict them. This is why we consistently use the phrase "subject to applicable law."
"As is." Subject to applicable law, when you engage with our Site or utilize our Services, it is vital to recognize that they are offered 'as is.' This signifies that we do not make any explicit commitments regarding the quality, standard, or stability of our Site, its content, or the uninterrupted, error-free nature of our Site's online services. Consequently, we cannot be held responsible for any losses or damages you might incur through the use of our Site. We explicitly disclaim all warranties, whether they are express or implied, in connection with our Site and your interaction with it. This disclaimer encompasses the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a specific purpose, and non-infringement. We do not make warranties or representations regarding the accuracy or completeness of our Site's content, or the accuracy and completeness of websites linked to ours. We assume no responsibility for any of the following:
(i) errors, inaccuracies, or omissions in the content or site materials;
(ii) any personal injury or property damage resulting from your access to and utilization of our Site, including damage to your computer, phone, or the software and hardware you employ to access or engage with our Service;
(iii) unauthorized access to or use of our servers and the personal or financial information stored therein;
(iv) interruptions or disruptions in data transmission to or from our Site;
(v) potential bugs or viruses (we are committed to safeguarding you from viruses, but downloading unauthorized, altered versions of our software could pose risks);
(vi) errors or omissions in any content or material, or any losses or damages of any kind incurred as a consequence of using any content posted, transmitted, or otherwise made available on our Service. Furthermore, we do not warrant, endorse, guarantee, or assume responsibility for any product or service promoted or offered by third parties through our Site, any linked sites, or websites or mobile applications advertised on banners or other forms of advertising. We shall not be a party to, nor bear any responsibility for, overseeing transactions between you and third-party providers of products and services. Just as in any purchase of a product or service through any medium or environment, we recommend using your best judgment and exercising caution when appropriate.
User Generated Content Policy
In our sole discretion, we may, on occasion, allow you to submit, upload, publish, or share textual, audio, or visual content and information, encompassing commentary, feedback regarding the Service, support requests, and entries for contests or promotions ("User Content"). We retain the authority to remove, edit, or delete User Content at any time, for any reason, including instances where User Content is found to be in violation of our Terms. We do not assume responsibility or liability for User Content, whether it is retained or removed, or for any other content. We implement a pre-screening process for most content uploaded to our Site, employing both automated and human review, although these processes may not be infallible.
User Content provided by you remains your intellectual property. However, by sharing User Content with us, you grant us an irrevocable, worldwide, perpetual, royalty-free license, with the right to sublicense, enabling us to utilize, replicate, adapt, create derivative works, distribute, publicly display, publicly perform, and otherwise exploit such content across all formats and distribution channels, including those currently known or yet to be devised. This extends to usage both within the Service and on third-party sites or services, without necessitating further notice or consent from you, and without any obligation to provide compensation to you or any other individual or entity.
You affirm and guarantee that: (i) you are the sole and exclusive owner of all User Content, or you possess all the requisite rights, licenses, consents, and releases essential for us to exercise the aforementioned license on User Content; and (ii) neither the User Content, nor your submission, uploading, publishing, or sharing of such User Content, nor our use of the User Content as authorized herein, will infringe upon, misappropriate, or contravene third-party intellectual property or proprietary rights, rights of publicity or privacy, or result in a breach of any applicable law or regulation.
At our discretion, we may monitor or record online activity or content on the Service, with the authority to remove any content from the Service as we see fit. It's imperative to bear in mind that your communications and User Content within the Service are public and accessible to others.
Copyright or Intellectual Property Notice
We hold a profound respect for the intellectual property rights of individuals, and we anticipate that our users will uphold the same standard of respect. In circumstances we deem appropriate, and at our sole discretion, we retain the right to disable and/or terminate the accounts of users who breach our Terms or infringe upon the rights of others. If you suspect that your work has been replicated in a manner that constitutes copyright infringement or if you believe your intellectual property rights have been otherwise transgressed, we kindly request you to provide us with the following information:
An electronic or physical signature of an individual authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner or other holder of intellectual property rights.
A detailed description of the copyrighted work or intellectual property that you believe has been infringed.
A clear depiction of the specific location on our Site where you contend that your work is being infringed.
Your physical address, telephone number, and email address for contact purposes.
A statement in which you affirm that the disputed use of your work is not authorized by the copyright owner, its representatives, or the applicable law.
A statement, made under penalty of perjury, verifying the accuracy and truthfulness of the information contained in your notice, and confirming that you are the rightful copyright owner or authorized representative acting on behalf of the copyright owner or intellectual property rights holder.
All notifications must be submitted pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA") by contacting our copyright agent at dmca.brickverse.gg. You acknowledge that if you do not comply with all requirements listed here, your DMCA notice may be invalid.
Warranty Disclaimers
You hereby explicitly acknowledge and agree to the following provisions concerning the use of BrickVerse, Inc. services and software:
A. Your utilization of BrickVerse services and software is undertaken solely at your own risk. Our services and software are provided on an "as is" and/or "as available" basis. BrickVerse, along with our subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, employees, agents, partners, and licensors, expressly disclaims any and all warranties, whether expressed or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement.
B. BrickVerse, along with our subsidiaries, officers, employees, directors, agents, partners, and licensors, makes no warranties regarding
(i) whether BrickVerse, Inc. services or software will meet your requirements;
(ii) whether BrickVerse, Inc. services will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free;
(iii) the accuracy or reliability of results obtained from the use of BrickVerse services or software;
(iv) the quality of any products, services, information, or other materials that may be purchased or obtained through our services or software will meet your expectations; and
(v) whether any errors in the software will be corrected.
C. Any information or material downloaded or obtained through BrickVerse services or software is accessed at your sole discretion and risk. Consequently, you shall be solely responsible for and hereby waive any and all claims and causes of action regarding any damage to your computer and/or internet access, downloading and/or displaying, or any loss of data that may result from downloading such information or material.
D. No advice and/or information, regardless of whether it is written or oral, that you obtain from BrickVerse or through our services or software, shall create any warranty not expressly stated in our Terms of Service.
E. It is possible that a small percentage of users may experience epileptic seizures when exposed to certain light patterns or backgrounds on a computer screen or while using our services. Specific conditions may induce a previously unknown condition or undetected epileptic symptoms in users who have no prior history of seizures or epilepsy. If you, someone you know, or a family member has an epileptic condition, please consult a physician if you experience any of the following symptoms while using our services: dizziness, altered vision, eye or muscle twitches, loss of awareness, disorientation, involuntary movement, or convulsions.
Liability Limitations
We have implemented this stipulation to safeguard the integrity of our operations and legal proceedings while ensuring that our liability is restricted as specified herein.
California Users and Residents
If any complaint with us is not satisfactorily resolved, you may contact the Complaint Assistance Unit of the Division of Consumer Services of the California Department of Consumer Affairs in writing at 1625 North Market Blvd., Suit N 112, Sacramento, California 95834 or by telephone at +1 (800) 952-5210 or +1 (916) 445-1254.
Electronic Communications Consent
By visiting our Site, sending us emails, completing online forms, or using any part of our Service, you consent to receive electronic communications from us that are further outlined in our privacy policy. You agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures, and other communications we provide to you electronically via email or on our Site, satisfy any legal requirement that such communication be in writing. You hereby agree to the use of electronic signatures, contracts, orders, and other records, and to electronically delivery of notices, policies, and records of transactions initiated or completed by us via our Site. You also waive any rights or requirements under any statutes, regulations, rules, ordinances, or other laws in jurisdiction which require an original signature or deliver or retention of non-electronic records, or to payments or the granting of credits by any means other than electronic means.
General Usage and Storage Practices
User Practices and Limitations:
You hereby recognize that BrickVerse may establish certain practices and limitations governing the use of our Services, including but not limited to, the maximum duration for which any message posting or uploaded content shall be retained by BrickVerse the maximum number of messages that may be sent and received by any member, the maximum size of messages sent or received, the maximum disk space allocated on BrickVerse servers on behalf of the member, and the maximum frequency and duration of member access to our Services within a specified time period. Additionally, you consent that BrickVerse bears no responsibility or liability for the removal or failure to retain messages, communications, or content transmitted or stored through our Services. You also acknowledge our right to delete or remove accounts that have remained inactive for an extended period. Furthermore, BrickVerse reserves the right to modify, alter, or update these general practices and limitations at our discretion.
Message Storage and Accessibility:
Any messaging service, including web-based versions, provides you and your communication partners with the capability to save your conversations in your account located on BrickVerse servers. This functionality allows you to access and search your message history from any computer with internet access. You also acknowledge that others have the option to use and save conversations with you in their personal accounts on brickverse.com. Your acceptance of this Terms of Service implies your consent for BrickVers to store all communications on its servers. This feature enhances your convenience and ensures seamless access to your messaging history while using our Services.
Interactions with Advertisers and Third Parties
Any correspondence, transactions, or engagements with advertisers found on or through our Services, including payments for and delivery of goods or services, and any other terms, conditions, warranties, or representations associated with such interactions, are exclusively between you and the respective advertiser. You further consent and acknowledge that BrickVerse bears no responsibility or liability for any losses or damages of any kind incurred as a direct consequence of these interactions or the presence of such advertisers on our website.
It is imperative to recognize that BrickVerse, Inc. acts as a platform for connecting users with advertisers and third parties, but the terms and outcomes of any transactions or agreements are beyond our control. Therefore, users are encouraged to exercise diligence and caution when engaging in such dealings and to review the terms and policies provided by advertisers and third parties to fully understand their obligations and rights. BrickVerse is not a party to these interactions, and any issues or disputes that may arise should be resolved directly between the involved parties.
Proprietary Rights
Acknowledgment of Proprietary Material:
You hereby acknowledge and agree that BrickVerse's Services and any essential software used in conjunction with our services (referred to as "Software") contain proprietary and confidential material protected by relevant intellectual property rights and other applicable laws. Additionally, you recognize and agree that any Content, including advertisements and information presented through our Services or by advertisers, is safeguarded by copyrights, trademarks, patents, or other proprietary rights and laws. Consequently, you commit to refrain from altering, modifying, leasing, renting, loaning, selling, distributing, transmitting, broadcasting, publicly performing, or creating derivative works based on BrickVerse, Inc. Services (e.g., Content or Software) in whole or in part, except as expressly permitted by applicable law or authorized by BrickVerse, Inc. or the relevant licensor.
License for Software Usage:
BrickVerse grants you a personal, non-transferable, and non-exclusive license to use the object code of our Software on a single computer, provided that you do not, and shall not, permit any third party to duplicate, alter, modify, create derivative works from, reverse engineer, reverse assemble, or attempt to locate or decipher any source code, sell, assign, sublicense, grant a security interest in, or otherwise transfer any such rights in the Software. Moreover, you agree not to alter or change the Software in any manner, nature, or form, and therefore, not to use any modified versions of the Software, including but not limited to, for the purpose of obtaining unauthorized access to our Services. Finally, you also undertake not to access or attempt to access our Services through any means other than the interface provided by BrickVerse for accessing our Services. These measures are essential to protect the integrity of our proprietary materials and software, ensuring a secure and compliant environment for all users.
BrickVerse reserves the right to modify and/or discontinue any part of our service whether temporarily or permanently with or without prior notice. We shall not be held liable to you or any third party for any modification, suspension and/or the discontinuance of the service and its features.
The violation of the Terms of Service will result in the suspension of your account, to avoid any conflict we request that you comply with the Terms of Service.
We reserve all rights to change this policy with or without notice at any time. It is recommended that you regularly review this policy to make sure you still agree with this policy.
Usage of the site you agree to the Term's Of Service, Privacy Policy, and the Community Guidelines.
These Terms serve as the complete agreement governing your use of our Services, replacing any prior versions of these Terms in relation to our Services. Additionally, specific Services, affiliate services, third-party content, or third-party software accessed on our Site may entail additional Terms. Users who violate these rules or any conditions in our Terms of Service could face suspension or termination from using our Services, as our staff retains the authority to suspend or terminate accounts at their discretion and for any reason.
Last updated
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