Refund Policy
We aim to please all users, and part of our commitment to that is allowing users the ability to refund certain purchases made on our site.
Refundable Payments
Here is followingly list, it's terms of products we will refund.
We will refund memberships within five (5) business days of initial transaction, prior to monthly automatic cubes.
Non-refundable Payments
Virtual currency spent on: Avatar Cosmetics, Games, etc.
Why we won't refund currency purchases
We simply cannot refund currency purchases once its entered into our system, however we may refund the Platform Conversion Fee & Service Fee.
Our virtual currency has real-life value, once its in circulation we cannot refund. This is due to fact we cannot assure you haven't spent said currency. Certain situations we may perform a full-refund.
Refund Types
Our payment services will automatically convert currency during checkout to U.S. dollars. Therefore, we only refund payments in U.S. dollars. Generally, refunds are processed back to the original payment method. If there are circumstances that a refund cannot be issued back to the original payment method, the player account will be given account credit in the dollar amount for the entire purchase.
In the event that payments are refunded in account credit, the account credit will be available immediately after a refund request is accepted. However, credit or debit card refunds may take 5 to 10 business days to process. We encourage those who have not received a refund within 10 business days to contact their card issuer for more information.
Requesting a Refund
Players may request a refund on refundable payments by navigating to their account settings page and accessing the billing tab. Players will only be eligible for refunds on refundable payments less than 7 days old. If a purchase is eligible for refund, a request refund button will appear next to the eligible purchase.
Once a refund request is initiated, and the refundable payment is a renewing payment, the automatic renewal will cancel.
There are some situations in which we will not refund services that may be eligible for refund under normal circumstances. We will not refund purchases made on account that have been terminated for violating our Terms of Service, and we will not refund purchases made on content that is removed from the website.
Last updated
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